Our Future



We want every single person to surrender more deeply to God and grow in generosity.

We dream that every member of CCC would fully surrender to Christ and makes significant impact for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

We dream of kids raised in the power of Jesus, students growing in passion for God, relationships healed, marriages restored, lost people found, lonely people connected, and love poured out worldwide.

We dream of churches planted, pastors raised up, and a citywide collaboration to reach Omaha with the good news of Jesus Christ.

We dream of a new day internationally where the least-reached places are filled with hundreds of freshly trained pastors and hundreds of newly planted churches. 


Our church family EXCEEDED our original goal of $22 million, making commitments and expected gifts totaling $22.8 million! To see our vision continue, actually, to see God do more than what we could ask or imagine, we want to expand our generosity goal from $22.8 million to $24 million. This would allow us to go...


Reach and disciple people by investing in our church campus and core ministries. In 2019, invest in our kids to set them on a spiritual development path and help families live healthy rhythms for lifelong faith.


Reach the Omaha Metro by training leaders, planting churches, and unleashing unprecedented compassion. In 2019, explore kingdom investment in our premier Midwestern C&MA camp, Camp Rivercrest.


Take the best news ever to the least-reached people around the world. In 2019, through our missionaries in Miami, step into a deeper relationship with the Cuban C&MA national church.



The Beyond Belief fund is a “one fund” approach. That means that all of our giving to Christ Community Church, our citywide impact, and all of our missions initiatives—including the Great Commission Fund—will come out of a single bucket. This will enable us to staff and operate the church at full capacity, accomplish building improvements, establish new ministries, send missionaries around the world, and grow the Kingdom exponentially. When you give to the Beyond Belief fund, you will be giving to our kids ministry and to West Africa and to the Great Commission Fund and to improve the Gym and to raise a generation of residents for ministry and to transform adults through discipleship and to reach Village One... When you give to the Beyond Belief fund, you have the opportunity to impact every critical ministry that CCC is empowering.

In a normal two-year cycle, CCC giving would be about $15 million. We believe through this generosity initiative, God will provide an additional $9 million. Outside our Core Ministry Fund, giving will be split equally between special projects and giving to missions. We have the great joy of being able to create a platform for decades of ministry in Omaha while creating catalytic Kingdom growth for generations to come. Our God is up to something Beyond Belief! 




Continue our investments into our key partners to transform the lives of families and individuals in Village One. 


Fill the leadership pipeline with 24 students through the Church Residency Program. They will graduate fully prepared for ministry without further debt. 


Finish renovations at The Porch to reach Old Mill with the good news of Jesus by providing a community meeting space and a coffee shop. 


Lead 50 Within Reach churches to increase evangelistic intensity, plant 50 churches, and unleash unprecedented compassion on Omaha. 


Plant churches throughout the Omaha metro. 


In 2019, explore kingdom investment in our premier Midwestern C&MA camp, Camp Rivercrest.


The Christian and Missionary Alliance is committed to taking the best news ever to the least-reached people. We want to go to the hardest-to-reach places where all the odds are stacked against us. The Great Commission Fund (GCF) finances missionaries who go in secret to dangerous places to introduce people to Christ.

Billions of people in the world have never heard about Jesus. We believe each of them should hear about Jesus for the first time before reached people hear about Him for the fiftieth time. The vast majority of global missions funding goes to people groups in the world that are already reached. The GCF is different. We target people and places who have never heard that they might have the opportunity to believe and receive eternal life through Jesus.

CCC has been a lead giver to this fund for decades. We dream of increasing our giving to record levels of $1 million per year, which is a growth of 25% over recent years. When we give generously, what God can accomplish in the hardest-to-reach places is Beyond Belief! 




Train pastors and plant 200+ churches in West Africa in the next 10 years. 


Pioneer new work in Cuba to train pastors and plant 53 new churches by 2020. 


Take the best news ever to the least-reached people throughout the world.


Increase giving to the Great Commission Fund by 25% to $1 million per year. 



One of the greatest ministry tools CCC has is the building God has provided for our ministry right here in Omaha. Visionary people of the past have created a first-class, debt-free property and facility.

Every 20–30 years, great facilities need to be renovated for the emerging generation. Since our last renovation, our venues have seen over 3 million visits and are showing their wear. Each needs to be refreshed and upgraded for the next generation of ministry.

We have already completed projects in the CCC Worship Center and the Atrium. New seating, carpet, worship technology, lighting, have all been put into place to optimize both the traditional and contemporary services.

The Gym renovation is nearing completion and will be equipped with new flooring, lights, and technology. These updates will benefit both the ministry for kids and students that happen throughout the week, as well as worship gatherings on Sundays.

We anticipate there will be millions of worship encounters in the next twenty years that will shape the lives of tens of thousands of people. An upgraded facility will enable that to happen with maximum impact. The encounters people have with God will be Beyond Belief! 




2 Corinthians 8:7–15

An Initial Giver is someone who decides to give for the first time, out of a response to God’s Word about giving. This is someone who decides to give something and trust God and the leaders of the Church with this gift. 


2 Corinthians 9:6–8

A Consistent Giver is someone who decides to give something and give it consistently to exercise the discipline of giving regularly. Often, someone who decides to make their gift an online recurring gift will be someone who is learning the behavior of consistency. Non-online givers can be consistent givers as well of course; it just requires more discipline. 


Luke 14:28–35

An Intentional Giver is someone who begins to think about their giving in relation to other things on which they spend their money. For example, this type of giver begins asking the question, “Why am I giving more to my cell phone company than I am giving to God? Should I be giving to God more than I give for my car payment each month?” This giver starts to make their giving an intentional choice that reflects how they prioritize and spend their money. This may be the point of intentionality when someone begins to tithe, reflecting intentionally about a certain amount/percentage they want to give to God. 


Colossians 1:15–18, 22–23

A Surrendered Giver is someone who recognizes the cost Christ paid on the cross for us and is surrendered to honoring God with 100% of their resources as a result. A Surrendered Giver gives in a way that changes them. Their giving governs their spending/saving, rather than their spending/saving governing their giving. A Surrendered Giver isn’t concerned with what they are giving but more concerned with what they’re not giving and why. They seek to honor God with 100% of what He has given them, whether direct monetary giving or a God-honoring use of an existing resource like a home or a vehicle. 


1 Timothy 6:6–19

A Lifetime Giver is someone who thinks about the long-term effects of generosity rather than month-to-month generosity or even year-to-year. A Lifetime Giver makes decisions in the short term which have longer-term effects as it relates to their generosity capacity. They think of what home they buy, what car they purchase, how much savings they choose to keep, all in relation to their generosity capacity. A Lifetime Giver might be someone who has a lifetime giving goal which governs their larger-ticket decisions. Much like a Surrendered Giver makes a commitment that will govern his/her monthly and annual decisions, a Lifetime Giver makes a lifetime or longer-term giving commitment that governs his/her larger-item purchases like homes, cars, investments, and the like. 



Generosity is not a one-time event. Transformational Generosity is a life- style. That’s why, as we embark upon the one-year anniversary of Beyond Belief, we are challenging every person at Christ Community Church to continue to live a life beyond belief for Christ and his Kingdom.

As we celebrate what God has done and look to fulfill our vision, we invite you to respond in one of the three ways below. Please pray about which of these next steps God might be calling you to as we move together to accomplish God’s mission through CCC.

If you’re new to Beyond Belief:

  1. Consider joining us on the mission and making a 12-month commitment to Beyond Belief

If you’re already committed to Beyond Belief:

  1. Commit to finish strong in your Beyond Belief commitment

  2. Pray if God is asking you to take another step and increase your Beyond Belief commitment